Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tyler's First "At Home" Haircut...

In February, Tyler had his first at home haircut. Douglas decided that it is something that he can do and save us that money. Tyler was all for it at first, but once he got in the "at home" chair, it took some getting used to!  As you can see in the pictures, Tyler started in the chair with a towel around him, but by the end there wasn't a towel anymore AND he was on the counter....all of that transition happened while also whining because he was eating hair, being itchy from the hair on his skin and worrying about me finding him a prize (like he gets when he goes to Snip-Its). Douglas had just bought this set of clippers and had to figure out which clippers to use took a little extra time, but he was reassuring me that he knew what he was doing (the exact quote was, "I used to cut my friend's hair all the time" - which I have to point out was about 15-20 years ago...haha). I do have to say that on the first hair cut there was a couple botched spots, but by round two, Douglas had figured it out! Tyler is also getting used to it and is sitting for him much better now!

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