Our family has Family Game Nights...they aren't scheduled, we just kind of throw it out there at dinnertime. Every single time, they get excited to play games with us...At first we played a lot of Zingo, then we got Guess Who for Christmas and we were playing that all the time, and now it is Uno!
I used to play this game ALL the time with my grandparents and even my whole family at holidays (we were big time card players), but it came into our family because of childwatch at the YMCA...One day, I was working out and a really nice lady, Kerry, taught Tyler and Kelsi how to play while they were in their daycare. Tyler LOVED it...When we visited with Aunt Joan a couple weeks ago, we mentioned it, and she pulled out a brand new deck! We took it home and play it a few times a week!
Tyler loves it but gets VERY competetive and Kelsi likes it too but, like usual, she can be all over the place! They both actually get the game...they can match colors and numbers and LOVE their wild cards...Overall, it is a fun game for our family!

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