Friday, March 4, 2011

Kelsi's Style...

Everyday, I pick out the clothes for Tyler and Kelsi...I like to keep it simple...a shirt and jeans for both of them! I might go out on a limb and put a sweatshirt or sweater over that shirt, but that is the extent of it!

Everyday, Kelsi comes home and changes her clothes after lunch. USUALLY it is at our naptime/resttime. She will change her jeans to pajama pants and once in a while her shirt too. A couple of times lately, she has decided to dress herself in the morning. The outfits that she puts together are crazy! These pictures below were taken on March 2nd, 2011 - Just before lunch she headed upstairs, in her school clothes, and come down dressed like this. Layered to the max and even had on two different socks to top off the outfit!

She doesn't have ANY idea that she doesn't match - she is just so proud of herself that she picked it out all by herself!

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