Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving traditions...

I am thankful for Thanksgiving! I am so happy that we have started a tradition for our family...For the past 5 years we have hosted and our families have come. It is the only holiday that Tyler and Kelsi get to have both sets of grandparents with them at the same time. For the first couple years, we ordered a pre-made dinner but for the last few, Douglas has done the cooking....He is great at it!

We usually play a couple of games, eat, play a few more, etc! This year Jorja, Jeff and Sue stopped by too!

This must be where I get my tickling from! My parents are ticklers too!

Before everyone started heading out, we grabbed a quick family picture for Tyler and Kelsi...

Then I jumped in for one and Douglas took it...He of course didn't want to jump in...surprising!

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