Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Loving kids...

I am thankful for kids that love each other and play together...most of the time! We absolutely have our moments of fighting and jealousy, but overall, there are quite a few things that they love to do together. They love to play outside (especially in the sandbox), they love to play house (cooking with their kitchen and playing with their "teddy" animals upstairs), they both love to do puzzles and art projects together and they love play-doh.

Just recently, Pat (our daycare lady on Mondays) told me that she has never seen such a loving brother. When he is there, he is saying, "Kelsi, sit next to me, Kelsi play with me, Kelsi here have this, Kelsi I love you....This is MY sister Kelsi." She can't get over it!  That made me so happy...I hope that he is always protective of his sister and that they always remain close as they get older!

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