Monday, December 21, 2009

Thanksgiving Parade, 2009...

This year we made it to the Thanksgiving Parade here in North Attleboro...The last time we went, Kelsi was a sleeping baby in a car seat!! We always wanted to go, but something always came up or we never knew when it was. This year worked out for us though! We walked from the house after the Marders and Chicks arrived, and it was actually only a mildly cold day!
Tyler and Trevor sang, "My Poker Face" all the way there, running, giggling and holding hands, and everyone had bags to collect the candy that is thrown. There is always a ton of candy! We are on the beginning of the parade's path, so a lot is thrown! We filled our first bag and started a second!

Jorja loved the characters (Mickey, Elmo, Big Bird, Superman, etc), and so did Tyler! Kelsi was a bit scared of them!

Kelsi liked waving to everyone in the parade, but Tyler learned quickly that if he said hello and waved, it got their attention and they would throw him some....Such a little smarty pants!!

Kelsi and Kallee weren't very aggressive (pretty much could care less), so the only things that went in their bags were the ones that we got for them or on the rare occasion, their brothers handed them a piece!

We will definitely return next year!

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