Now that I wrote about Kelsi, I have to write about Tyler!!
Tyler has grown and changed so much in the last couple of months...He has become a school boy three mornings a week and loves it!! He has adjusted well, and his teacher gave me a quick update to say that he is doing great! He is the oldest in his class, but not the biggest!! I have volunteered twice so far and I love to see what they do, and what he does!! He mentions a few of their names, but I think is mainly concentrated on doing what they are supposed to be doing!! Even though it is a boy heavy class, he mainly talks about his friend Grace who happens to be the youngest in the class!!
Tyler has given up naps....Since mid-August, he has napped 4 times...two of those times, he had a fever and the other was the first day of school...Today was the 4th time and it came after a week with Noni and Nono! I bought an egg timer and he was supposed to stay in his room for an hour...when the egg timer went off, he could come down....I think the rule of having to stay there, gave him the time to fall asleep....we will see what happens in the next few days with it!!
Tyler is obsessed with potty words right now....Dr. Berard handed me a paper that said this is normal 4 year old behavior (at his 4 year appt.)....
He got the swine flu shot in school (without me!), and had 2 more at his dr. appt. later that day!!
Tyler loves activity books, coloring, hidden picture sticker books, playdough, painting, dinosaurs, building with blocks and tv.....He loves Caillou, Little Bear, Franklin, & Backyardigans....He loves Madagasgar & Curious George.
After less than a month of school he was writing his name....I think his computer and Scribble Time helped him to learn that and then seeing his name at school so much brought him to this point...I don't think they taught him that officially....
Tyler and Kelsi love to play together (at times) and love to wrestle etc....They also love to fight over things....such a killer!!!
More on Tyler later too....I am off to bed...It is WAY late!!
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