If ONLY this was a sight that I got to see on a regular basis....BOTH children watching television...These pictures were taken in early June, and I am now typing this in late July - Kelsi STILL doesn't watch TV and she is officially TWO!! I quickly snapped these pictures when one day she watched the beginning of a show for a good THREE minutes...trully a miracle (she hasn't done it since)!! Even when she is strapped into her car seat with the TV right in front of her seat, she STILL doesn't watch it....SERIOUSLY, how is that possible?? Her eyes go everywhere BUT on the screen...she talks to herself, eats a snack, sings while looking out the window, yells "GO" everytime we are stopped at a red light (so impatient!), but she will NOT look at the TV screen!!

As you can see, in the one minute that these photos were snapped, Tyler hasn't moved...Ants-in-the-pants Kelsi is all over the place!
I love the pictures! Especially the feet one...so cute!