Monday, July 6, 2009

after nap yard time...

Springtime for us means that we spend more time outside in our yard...especially after naps! These photos were taken on June 1st (before it turned into the rainiest month EVER)....Kelsi is on a big kick of "talking" on the phone. She calls Noni, Pop, Jorja, and Boggie. (Today, July 6th she called Erica - that is new!).
She does her pretend talking, nodding her head and even using her hands sometimes!!

These pajama shorts were a hand-me-down pair meant for soon as Tyler saw Dora on them, they had to be his...They are definitely girl shorts, and show off his cute chicken legs!!

Tyler LOVES to help water the garden...He knows how to use the hose/sprayer and controls it well! He is SO proud when he does "big kid" jobs or as he sometimes calls it, "grown-up" stuff.

I love this picture...Kelsi was on a "beat-up Tyler" day! There are several pictures of her throwing the ball at him, and even bopping him on the head with a toy...she holds her own now!

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