Tuesday, July 28, 2009

father's day...

I am still not caught up (at all), so I am finally posting just a couple pictures from Father's Day....Douglas's present was to go fishing with Uncle George, and it did end up coming true (later on...), but in the meantime, we made him a couple of things! Tyler and Kelsi stamped their hands on a little poem that I had typed up (we made them for nono and pop too!)....
Then I reciprocated a really nice thing that Douglas had done for me a while back....10 Things that I Love about You. He had done such a nice job making a list about me, so I felt that it would be a nice thing to do for him on Father's Day.
Dada and Kelsi's feet...
Dada telling me to put the camera away (like that is new...he tells me that almost everyday)...
This one is classic...after I just got done posting about Kelsi's lack of TV watching, there was one more incident in June...We decided to clean the house as a family early Father's Day morning. Kelsi had been ALL over the place like usual UNTIL we started cleaning up. At that exact moment, she layed down where Douglas usually is...As we were putting toys away etc., Kelsi continued to lay in the same spot for a good 10 minutes...amazing....we were cracking up! It was a preview of her teen years as we struggle to get her to clean....The best part of the whole thing was that she was actually WATCHING the show....You will never guess what was on....Douglas's FISHING show!! She seemed to really like it!!

a wishful sight...

If ONLY this was a sight that I got to see on a regular basis....BOTH children watching television...These pictures were taken in early June, and I am now typing this in late July - Kelsi STILL doesn't watch TV and she is officially TWO!! I quickly snapped these pictures when one day she watched the beginning of a show for a good THREE minutes...trully a miracle (she hasn't done it since)!! Even when she is strapped into her car seat with the TV right in front of her seat, she STILL doesn't watch it....SERIOUSLY, how is that possible?? Her eyes go everywhere BUT on the screen...she talks to herself, eats a snack, sings while looking out the window, yells "GO" everytime we are stopped at a red light (so impatient!), but she will NOT look at the TV screen!!
As you can see, in the one minute that these photos were snapped, Tyler hasn't moved...Ants-in-the-pants Kelsi is all over the place!

If only I could get ONE show out of her a day...it could give me a good 25 minutes to do some work!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

kelsi is turning two...

As Kelsi's party and actual birthday approaches this weekend, we are talking a lot about it! When you ask her who's birthday it is, she says, "Me!"...When you ask her how old she will be, she says, "Two!", and when you ask her who is coming to the party, her first response is, "Trevor". I think that she has her first little crush on her brother's friend!! Trevor has always paid a lot of attention to Kelsi, giving her hugs and talking to her...She apparently remembers and is now repaying the favor! She loves her Trevor!!
(Picture taken in June after getting a braid done at Snip-Its after Tyler's hair cut)

michael jackson...

Tonight I called the house on the way home from a photo shoot...I found out that Tyler had thrown up (out of the blue) while my father was pushing him on the swing (sorry Nono!)...At night when Douglas gave him some Tylenol before bed, he asked for more...Douglas told him that he could only have the exact amount that was meant for him...He asked, "Why?" and Douglas told him that too much will make him sick...Tyler said, "Oh...because I might die like Michael Jackson?"....I am telling you...he picks up on everything!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

let's split up...

Tonight, Douglas told Tyler to get his baba (sippy cup...we HAVE to stop calling it a baba!)....He didn't know where it was....He looked up at Douglas and he said, "Let's split up Dada...you go that way and I'll go this way." We looked at him and said, "Where did you learn that?" He goes, "When we were at McDonalds two kids were looking for something and they said, Let's split up."

He apparently listens very well, and used it in the correct way with us!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

back to foxboro...

This year we actually made it to the Founder's Day parade in Foxboro...It has been a couple years, but knowing that Tyler loved parades last year, I thought we would give it a try! Nono and Noni came with us, and we met Erica, Trevor and Kallee there! Ironically, Tyler and Trevor were dressed almost exactly the same...We were wearing Trevor's hand-me-downs, and Erica has since re-bought almost the same outfit.
The beginning of the parade was SO loud with a continuous stream of firetrucks, police cars, and other sirens...
I love this picture that I snapped oh-so-quickly...if you look closely, you can see our reflections on the car!

Monday, July 6, 2009

evening fun...

I am loving the evening sun (5:30/6pm)...I am working on getting a perfect picture of Tyler and Kelsi in the evening sun....It is a bit tricky with their age...they won't stand in a spot even for a split-second, never mind look at me....If I keep trying I may get what I am looking for!
Here is a quick one of Tyler wearing his Naples shirt...it was a hand-me-down made by Old Navy...He loves that it says where Noni and Nono live...

Kelsi LOVES to run naked if she gets a chance...she now knows how to take her diaper off and that is what she did while waiting for Dada to get her a new diaper...love her little bum-bum!!

after nap yard time...

Springtime for us means that we spend more time outside in our yard...especially after naps! These photos were taken on June 1st (before it turned into the rainiest month EVER)....Kelsi is on a big kick of "talking" on the phone. She calls Noni, Pop, Jorja, and Boggie. (Today, July 6th she called Erica - that is new!).
She does her pretend talking, nodding her head and even using her hands sometimes!!

These pajama shorts were a hand-me-down pair meant for Kelsi...as soon as Tyler saw Dora on them, they had to be his...They are definitely girl shorts, and show off his cute chicken legs!!

Tyler LOVES to help water the garden...He knows how to use the hose/sprayer and controls it well! He is SO proud when he does "big kid" jobs or as he sometimes calls it, "grown-up" stuff.

I love this picture...Kelsi was on a "beat-up Tyler" day! There are several pictures of her throwing the ball at him, and even bopping him on the head with a toy...she holds her own now!

chick cookout...

On May 31st, we had a mini-impromptu cookout with the Chick family...Richie and Ginny were coming down for a visit so we invited Jeff, Sue and Jorja over to combine their visit. We had burgers on the grill (nothing fancy), and Tyler and Kelsi got to play with Jorja for a little bit! This is the first time that Kelsi became obsessed with Boggie...Now everytime she hears the neighbors dog bark, she looks at me and says, "Boggie?"....