Tyler has been CRACKING us up lately...His new thing is to say, "I love, LOVE, LOOVE it!" Each LOVE he says gets louder and more drawn out, and he makes this adorable face while tilting his head to the side. He can LOVE, LOVE, LOVE just about anything. It can be a the toy he is playing with, something he sees on TV, or it can be something that we are talking about that he likes. Many times it comes out when we are eating and he takes his first bite. Although he says it, he doesn't always mean it when it comes to his food. I think it is just his way of trying to compliment you on your cooking and be excited to eat, but the LOVE often dwindles after a couple of bites! In these photos, he is LOVE, LOVE, LOVING my new office and my drawer of punches. He likes to get out a sheet of paper, open the drawer himself, and then use the punches one by one.
The good thing is that he puts them back after he uses each one...He is a better "picker-upper" than me!
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