Sunday, March 1, 2009

ash wednesday...

I awoke on Wednesday with plans to do errands. We were eating breakfast and out of nowhere I had a "vision" of Nono & Noni's grave and it was like a voice in my head said, "go visit". I KNOW this sounds a bit crazy! I still don't know exactly why or where it came from, but a hint of me is thinking it was my grandmother talking to me! I realized then that I hadn't been there since the funeral, so we changed our day, and I decided to go pick up some flowers at the craft store and then head over to Mansfield. As I was getting something out of the closet, the calendar caught my eye and I noticed it was Ash Wednesday...We all know that I am not a practicing Catholic, but Noni was....just a little more ironic!! Anyways, we chose the frog for Tyler and the ladybug for Kelsi. A little silly because the ground was frozen so we couldn't get them in. Tyler still doesn't understand that they are gone. He kept saying that he was bringing this to Noni...It was hard to explain that it was going to be a headstone. I did tell him that it is where people come before they go to heaven and on the way out he said, "All of those stones are people who came here". I think he is one step closer to understanding....

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