I have been thinking that I want to do a special post for each person in the family....I am starting with the youngest (Kelsi of course) and I will end with the oldest! This is totally inspired by the Facebook note 25 things but I want to document US now! Kelsi is now 19 months old, and all of these photos were taken just the other day! So let's get started....
1. Kelsi's curls are still there, but the hair is growing....I am in a difficult phase of needing to learn how to do something with it! I am still mainly going with the side bow/barrette.
2. Kelsi points, and still does a lot of "eh eh eh"...Not much talking....mama, dada, juice, da (dog), baby, wawa (walk), more, scuse you, and me (starting to totally understand what "me, me, me" means and is using it alot)
3. She wants to walk on her own everywhere...everytime we get out of the car, she kicks her feet and says, "wa wa wa". Then I say, "You want to walk" and she shakes her head and says, "ya ya ya".
4. When playing, she mainly walks around dabbling here and there. She does like to pretend cook and sometimes play with her dolls. She is also quick to jump onto whatever Tyler is playing (for about 2 seconds), but if he leaves to use the potty, she is ALL over it!! She hears him say that he needs to go potty, she waits till he turns the corner and she runs over to the toy he is playing with!
4. She loves to brush her teeth...not so good at it, but just loves to chomp, get toothpaste, and once again just be like Tyler standing on the stool.
5. She has finally become a decent eater...not as much spitting out...still a MESS at every meal though!
6. She does NOT like TV!!!! I have tried every show that friends suggest their kids like, and she wants NO part...I will even sit with her in my lap, and there is NO interest...It is KILLING me! I would just love for her to sit down and watch at least ONE show with TYler....I am going to keep trying though!
7. She loved sledding...went down the hill all by herself!
8. She is at the point of just saying, "ba, ba" (bye, bye) with a wave whenever one of us leaves, or if she is leaving for Jean's house in the am....I am so happy about it!
9. She loves to hug things...I had a bag of trash hanging from a door-knob and I turned around to find her hugging it!
10. She appears to be a TRUE girl...She is obsessed with shoes, hats and accessories...shoes the most! I wear the same ugg style boots everyday, or my sneakers....I put on a different pair yesterday and she bent over, pointed at them and said, "ooooh". She walks around finding hats, mittens, and shoes and puts them on herself or asks for a bit of help!
11. She had a quick run at potty training and still wants the potty about once a day. She was peeing and even did one poop. She still wants to sit on it, but nothing is coming out, so we are done...Try it later at an older age!
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