Monday, May 2, 2011

My Trip to Indianapolis...

On April 10th, my friend Sarah and I took off for Indianapolis at 8:20pm out of Boston. Our original flight was set to take off at 2pm out of Providence, but after a delay, they sent us by taxi to Boston to get a 7pm flight to Indi...That 7pm flight also got delayed, but we finally made it to Indi around mid-night after the scariest flight of my life (TINY plane)....

We were headed to Indiana for a photography workshop with one of our favorite photographer teams...Bobbi + Mike. Bobbi is right there in the middle of me and Sarah!

The workshop was for 2.5 days and covered everything from actual shooting time, to business practices, to editing. It was fantastic to see all of the inner workings to an established photo team.

When I left the workshop 2.5 days later, I had come to realization that I need to have more confidence in myself...I wanted to see how they do things, to see if there is a way that I can do it better myself and although I walked away with a lot of tricks and somethings that I want to tweak, I am now confident that what I do works...I am on the right path!

This is our whole group...including Bobbi and Mike (there on the bottom left) and the engaged couple that they photographed.

Overall, it was a great experience...I saw a new city, met a couple that I had idolized, learned a bunch and came home with a new sense of confidence :)

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