Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tyler at 5.5...

HE has some funny names for things...Like "heat conditioner" when he wants the be cooled off with an air conditioner and "K'" for his new favorite Special K cereal.

HE LOVES the Power Rangers. He actually told a lady at the grocery store yesterday, that it is his new favorite....It used to be dinosaurs, but now it is Power Rangers.

HE is a confident kid. I am SO happy about that because I believe confidence is extremely important in your school years and also in your adult life! Things seems to come pretty easily for him (for now!) but when they don't,he is quick to get upset....We are constantly working on that!

HE is going through a talking-back phase. He likes to say NO a lot and he thinks that he is always right (hence the confidence!). He has a lot of faces that he makes to tell you that you are wrong and he isn't going to listen....it has been hard to get through to him that you do not talk to grown-ups in that way....a work in progress.

HE is on his first baseball team (t-ball really) and Douglas is one of the coaches! He is loving the practices so far and has his first game this coming Saturday (last week's game got cancelled because of rain)! Go Cubs!

HE loves his Leapster right now. Plays it everyday and honesly learns so much from it!

HE is getting smarter by the day (with a little help from Leapster!)...He actually soaks in everything that passes him by...there is rarely something that he misses! He actually has a better and more detailed memory than me!
HE is sympathetic and empathetic. He loves other people and trully wants to help them. He says "Hello" to everyone at the store, and will run over to help them if they drop something.

HE loves his sister! They play so nicely for about 80-85% of most days and then have their fights and squabbles the rest of the time. Just the other day, he walked in the Little League parade and he ran from his spot when he saw Kelsi. He wanted to say hello and give her a hug and a kiss...He was so proud of his sister (she of course screamed and didn't want a hug and kiss right then)!

HE devours breakfast....any kind of breakfast food. Right now Special K is his favorite and he has 2 bowls easily!!

HE got a CRAZY good report from his teacher...he is a perfect model student...I am in love with that!

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