Today was the Royal wedding of Prince William to Catherine Middleton...coverage here started weeks if not months ago, but the non-stop coverage began at 4am! I didn't get up, but I dvr'd it! By the time I got around to watching some if it, it was already this evening.
I didn't think that I was that interested in it...I was actually annoyed by all of the coverage on my show Access Hollywood every night), but once I started watching, I was ridiculously curious!! Being a wedding photographer, it was so interesting to watch their formal and stiff tradition during the ceremony and the curtysing to the Queen, but overall, I was so intrigued by the information! At first I was surprised by Cate's long-sleeved gown choice, but then they said that it one of the rules...arms must be covered!
As I was watching, I thought back to our day trip to London back in 2003. We left for Paris on Chistmas Eve and returned on December 30th. Only one day was spent in London and I was watching, I was curious as to what I had seen! I pulled out the Shutterfly book that I had made and found a few pictures of West Minster Abbey and Buckingham Palace! I had LITERALLY bought my first Digital Rebel the day before going on the trip so it was trully the beginning of my photography journey....I wish that I had been deeper into my journey (so that I would have had a better eye and better equipment) and I WISH that I had understood a little more!! I knew the name West Minster Abbey, but mainly because of the Beatles! I didn't know the significance of it or that ONLY Royals can get married there (which I learned today)....I just wish that I had a better context of what I was seeing...I think that I would have appreciated it a bit more!!
So here are a few of my pictures of West Minster Abbey...The first few are from the side - the general public entrance...The picture of Douglas and I are in front of those side doors...not a great picture, but it says to me, "I have been there!".
This is what we saw as we turned the corned to view the front of West Minster...I believe they are the cabs, and they were all lined of my top 10 favorite pictures from the whole trip!

The front of the church...
Next we got on the top of the tall red buses and took a tour...we drove by Buckingham Palace and this was on of those shots that I grabbed as we moved by! This the quick view that we got of the palace...the fountain matches the fountain that all of the people were surrounding so that they could view the kiss on the balcony!

These are just a few more pictures that I pulled off the Internet of what we saw today...I literally got teary eyed watching Cate's family...It has to be amazing to experience your child's wedding day, but to also have your commoner daughter grow up to marry a prince and become a Royal, it is trully unfathomable....I was teary in happiness for them...just amazing!

In London, there were large screen tv's for viewing parties...I came across this picture and realized that I had taken a picture of that exact fountain!
One last picture of Harry...He is actually my favorite...always such a happy looking guy...seems to like to party and just seems so down to earth...Not his best picture, but all that I could find!