Friday, February 25, 2011

Tyler's New Hobby

Tyler's new hobby is photography! One day he asked to take a picture with my camera...I let him and he literally clicked away - rapid fire. When I told Douglas, he thought about my old rebel - the rest is history! Tyler can fill a 150 picture card in about an hour. He will take pictures of anything and everything. It is seriously adorable watching him hold it up to his eye and focus on something. Within the first couple of minutes he asked, "How do I zoom on this thing?". I showed him how to twist the lens to zoom in and out and now he does it all the time!

I love that he loves photography. I love that he taught himself how to see the pictures that he has taken AND figured out how to delete the ones that he doesn't want ("I just figured that it was the trash can, Mama").  I love when he looks at one of his pictures, he says, "I love it" and "This one is my favorite!". I love that he walks all over our house finding things that he wants to photograph. I love his perspective on our house and all of the toys and stuff in it. and I love that he takes pictures that include me in them (even if I am still in my pajamas looking terrible)...and I can't wait to go to a zoo or park so that he can bring his camera and take pictures of things that are outside our house!


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