Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Afternoon at Grammy and Pop's House...

Our Christmas afternoon is spent with Douglas's family....I love that we have a big family to spend it with! When I was a kid, I always wanted cousins, and now Tyler and Kelsi have them! Tyler is in LOVE with Madison. This has been going on for two years now!! He literally gazes at her, but he isn't the only one! Kaitlyn sat on Madison's lap for the majority of the time we were there and Jorja was pulling Madison everywhere! She loves her too!

My only picture of my two together in their outfits!

I love these next few pictures...they show off the fabulous chaos of Christmas with the cousins!

The aftermath of opening...

An attempt at a picture of all the cousins...Jorja wanted no part of it though!

Madison was telling princess stories to the girls and they all LOVED it!

As I said, Tyler can't get enough of Madison either...He sat and listened to stories too!

The Chick Boys....

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