This week was the first week of school! We have completed the first week successfully and happily! They both seem to love school and we haven't had a tear all week! They do talk about the other kids that have cried, but they are quick to say that it wasn't them! They even cooperated for First Day of School pictures!
Kelsi picked a monkey backpack and Tyler was happy to have a Dinosaur Train backpack...his favorite show (a new one on PBS). He is a "dinosaur expert" after he says!!
Pictures with Mama and with Dada!
I tried to get an individual picture of each of them...Tyler is more cooperative right now than Kelsi..She refuses to look at the camera!
We all walked to school the first day...Dada was doing it for the first time ever! He drove Tyler to school last year (a bunch of times), but never walked!
We arrived right at the bell and Mrs. D. was one of the first teachers that we saw...She was an aide in Tyler's room last year and will be with Kelsi this year!
This is the wall that they wait on while they wait for the line to fill up and a teacher to lead it inside! So cute!! The twins on the left were in Tyler's class last year, and the boy and girl on the far right were also in his class last year!!
This is the picture at the end of the first day...That is Mrs. Sherman, Tyler's teacher. Kelsi gets walked down to Tyler's room at the end of the day so that I can pick them up at one door...Kelsi's teacher brings the rest of the class out the front door...I am kind of sad that I won't get to meet the mom's from Kelsi's class, but several kids from Tyler's class will actually be in Kelsi's grade level...He is in a mixed age classroom.
That little guy behind Tyler is in his class and shares his name! Tyler is Tyler C. in his class...He came home saying "I am Tyler C." When I asked him, "Do you know why you are Tyler C.?" He said he didn't even know why!!! I explained that is the first letter in his last name...Too cute!
I hope the rest of the year goes this smoothly!
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