Thursday, April 29, 2010

Recap #1....

Once again, I am inspired to blog and turn this into a book....and I feel TERRIBLE, that I have not been able to update this more regularly!! I am going to try and update this with a bunch of recaps from 2009 & 2010 starting now!! I am going to play a bit of catch-up and then start fresh in May 2010!

These first pictures start in March of 09....Every Thursday, we headed to Hasbro for a play group...I took these pictures through the looking glass...The Hasbro toy company uses these playgroups to test toys and see what kids like to play with....Kelsi and I played in the waiting room (where there are toys), and watched Tyler through the glass. At the end of the month, they give Tyler two big bags of toys as our "payment"....pretty cool!

Another March afternoon...after naps (hence the pj's). Blowing bubbles together...Tyler was already doing well with it, but Kelsi was still struggling!

For a couple of months at the beginning of 2009 we were making regular trips to the library...Tyler had just started his LOVE of puzzles and even impressed the library staff with his ability! He loved the puzzles there (a dinosaur one of course) and he also loved the puppet stuffed animals...Kelsi really just came for the ride....Although it looked like she was working hard (with Tyler's help), she was really quite fidgity and walking around aimlessly...hence the pop to keep her quiet!!

A few more March pictures....One of the few that I have of Tyler and Kelsi together at this age...They NEVER cooperated!! Notice all of the copy-catting that Kelsi does!!

I wanted to include this one to show the height difference at that time! There is still about 5 inches between them (at 4.5 &2.5), but I am constantly asked if they are twins!

Love these bathtime shots too!! I look at how short her hair is SO long now!!

March swinging....

Moving into April 09...Some peek-a-boo time with Kelsi...It is sad to look back and see Rudy poking his head around the door....Kelsi is still deathly afraid of dogs and it stems from the final time that Rudy knocked her down the stairs out back....I hope she is able to overcome the fear and that this is just a phase....Rudy, has been placed in a fantastic home...they have 3 other labs, acres of land and an additional home in NH (where the dogs travel to also). They also have a 5 year old girls that has taken to Rudy and she chooses him to sleep in her bed....He must be in heaven there!!

We were anxious to get back outside, and played outdoors on every nice day in the late afternoon/evening....Dada is great about getting you both outdoors!

I love this picture of Kelsi....She went through a little phase of saying "No, No, No", especially to her brother!

My handsome little devil!!

March and April of 2009 are wrapped up....May and June are next!

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