Friday, April 30, 2010

Recap #2...May & June 2009

Back to recapping 2009....Moving onto May and June now! When looking back at this blog, I was doing a pretty good job during these months, so I will do a smaller recap now!
In early May we headed over to Jeff and Sue's for Jorja's first birthday party!! Tyler and Kelsi loved the hammock...because it was like a swing!! Emma joined in too!

Auntie Joan got these balloons at a party for her job...Tyler and Kelsi love balloons, but I was even more excited to try and get some pictures because the balloons matched!!

Outdoor water exciting when the weather gets warm and we can pull out water!

Rare moments watching the Barney intro song....then Kelsi was jumping off the couch!

Kelsi's FIRST pig tails....or so I thought...Douglas did them and Kelsi came down to show them off...I thought they were adorable!! Then she turned around and there was a THIRD pig tail!! Her hair was still a bit too short so Douglas fixed the problem by adding a 3rd!! Cracks me up but still adorable!!

If you look carefully, you can see the brand new yellow color that we had just painted!!

A quick afternoon fishing trip....Tyler LOVED the little fish that we used for bait!! It was a good thing because we didn't catch ANYTHING....but there are a ton of fantastic pictures!

On this afternoon, Tyler and Kelsi started collecting rocks...the rock collecting was so much fun for them that it lasted almost an hour!! We even made rows of rocks from biggest to smallest!

This was my view as I left for my first ever wedding....THey were in the door waving goodbye and blowing me kisses...Tyler even left me a message a little later that I have kept on my phone so that I can keep re-listening to it....His little voice sounds so you now!

Tyler really started getting into his computer! He still loves it and we have collected a lot more games for it!! I think that he learned to write his name because of this computer...When he went off to preschool in September he started writing it...I thought that they had taught him, but found out that they don't teach that the first year! He is a mouse wizard now too!

This was one of the first signs of Tyler's tongue sticking out!! He now does it when writing or coloring!!

Our vitamins....By July, they were each having a half of a vitamin a day...Once Tyler turned 4 he got a WHOLE excited!

The first 90 degree day, we headed to Onset with Erica...MUCH COLDER there than in North Attleboro!! Luckily I am a pack rat and had sweatshirts and coats still in the car!
Mother's Day fun!!

Looking at the Shutterfly book that I made for Noni of our trip to Naples...
Mother's Day fun for me....My first PROFESSIONAL camera!! I was SO surprised...I thought that I was getting a lens at MOST!!

Father's Day morning...
One of the first times that Kelsi even LOOKED at the tv....don't get me wrong...she only LOOKED for a couple minutes!!

Tyler's first trip to the dentist! He loved it, but they tried to scam us into saying that he had 3 cavities...I waited 6 months and went to a different dentist that filled one cavity! They called it a STAR and did it without Novicaine...He was so brave!

Ice cream at the Ice Cream Machine!! Delicious!! Tyler and Kelsi need to always have the same flavor...we learned the hard way at the next trip...We had to get Tyler a second cup of ice cream because of the meltdown!!
Outdoor lunch with Rudy....Sticking out the tongues is the cause of all those giggles!!

Tyler and Kelsi love to go to the front door and have me let them in!

This is already on the blog, but I had to include it because I just recently traded in this car!! I upgraded from the 2004 Kia Sorrento to the 2011 Kia Sorrento...I had it for almost 6 years and would have kept it much longer if it weren't for my weddings!! Driving so far for weddings and then back home at midnight makes me a bit nervous...I wanted a reliable car!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Recap #1....

Once again, I am inspired to blog and turn this into a book....and I feel TERRIBLE, that I have not been able to update this more regularly!! I am going to try and update this with a bunch of recaps from 2009 & 2010 starting now!! I am going to play a bit of catch-up and then start fresh in May 2010!

These first pictures start in March of 09....Every Thursday, we headed to Hasbro for a play group...I took these pictures through the looking glass...The Hasbro toy company uses these playgroups to test toys and see what kids like to play with....Kelsi and I played in the waiting room (where there are toys), and watched Tyler through the glass. At the end of the month, they give Tyler two big bags of toys as our "payment"....pretty cool!

Another March afternoon...after naps (hence the pj's). Blowing bubbles together...Tyler was already doing well with it, but Kelsi was still struggling!

For a couple of months at the beginning of 2009 we were making regular trips to the library...Tyler had just started his LOVE of puzzles and even impressed the library staff with his ability! He loved the puzzles there (a dinosaur one of course) and he also loved the puppet stuffed animals...Kelsi really just came for the ride....Although it looked like she was working hard (with Tyler's help), she was really quite fidgity and walking around aimlessly...hence the pop to keep her quiet!!

A few more March pictures....One of the few that I have of Tyler and Kelsi together at this age...They NEVER cooperated!! Notice all of the copy-catting that Kelsi does!!

I wanted to include this one to show the height difference at that time! There is still about 5 inches between them (at 4.5 &2.5), but I am constantly asked if they are twins!

Love these bathtime shots too!! I look at how short her hair is SO long now!!

March swinging....

Moving into April 09...Some peek-a-boo time with Kelsi...It is sad to look back and see Rudy poking his head around the door....Kelsi is still deathly afraid of dogs and it stems from the final time that Rudy knocked her down the stairs out back....I hope she is able to overcome the fear and that this is just a phase....Rudy, has been placed in a fantastic home...they have 3 other labs, acres of land and an additional home in NH (where the dogs travel to also). They also have a 5 year old girls that has taken to Rudy and she chooses him to sleep in her bed....He must be in heaven there!!

We were anxious to get back outside, and played outdoors on every nice day in the late afternoon/evening....Dada is great about getting you both outdoors!

I love this picture of Kelsi....She went through a little phase of saying "No, No, No", especially to her brother!

My handsome little devil!!

March and April of 2009 are wrapped up....May and June are next!