Welcome to 2010!! It is already February and I am finally adding some new posts! 2010 is off to a great start for our family...Douglas and I are still very busy, I have already shot 2 weddings, I have a new blog for my business and I am working on a wedding website. Douglas has already been snowmobiling 3 times and I had a scrapbooking weekend! Tyler still loves school, Kelsi loves Pat's house and her new Gymboree class, and Tyler had his first cavity filled WITHOUT novicaine and STILL loves the dentist!! We have set a goal to spend more quality time together, enjoying life because we feel like we are in a rat race of work!!
SOO...Here is a Sunday morning at our house...this past Sunday morning...it was a FULL day that we were going to spend together. As you can see we sometimes get Dunkin Donuts and Douglas usually finds a comfy spot on the couch. Tyler is always doing something...coloring, playing with his animals or dinosaurs and Kelsi has been playing with her babies alot.

She was just standing in the room when she touched her face...she said the cutest thing in a high pitched voice..."Mama you never cleaned my face" and she giggled...She could feel the strawberry frosting still on her face from her donut. This is actually what made me grab my camera and take some pictures...She was just too cute!!

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