Friday, September 4, 2009

preschool orientation...

Tyler is officially a "big kid"...He had his preschool orientation yesterday (9-3-09) and met his first teacher, Mrs. Gagne (said gag - knee). He loved every minute of it!! He is definitely ready to go to school!! Turns out that he will be the oldest child in his class of 15 students! He was definitely one of the most social, saying, "Hi, My name is Tyler" to many of the kids that came near him, and he made a lot of eye contact with everyone!
We were greeted with this at his classroom (he has the first class down the hall)...
Then he had to find his name and pick a shape to velcro it too. This will be his sign in proceedure every morning.

Then we had to go to each table for an activity....At this spot, he had to find his name and color the picture of a little boy...Those little guys next to him are twins, and they aren't the only twins in the class!! There are another set of boy twins too!!

He did a great job and then had to pick a cubby that he wanted...He put his picture on the ball of tape...

At another station, he found his name on a sticker, and placed it on a shape...then he picked his hook in the closet where he will put his coat and exciting!

That is Tyler's teacher who sat down to chat with him while he was playing with some cars!

There is a big sandtable in the center of the room!

Tyler is SO excited about this chart...There will be a star of the day, and there will also be helpers everyday...line leader, door holder, circle assistant, snack helper, etc....Tyler can't wait to lead the line and help pass out the snack!

This is Mrs. Coehlo, on of the 2 teacher assistants in the classroom (the other is Mrs. D). She played so nicely with Tyler "cooking" with the food!

Saving the best for last....We took a picture with Tyler's teacher, Mrs. Gagne, on our way out the door...Tyler didn't want to leave because they didn't have snack yet!!! I had to explain that it was just a meet the teacher day, and he will have snack next week!!

Mrs. Gagne seems like such a sweet lady and teacher...I am looking forward to a good first year!

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