Tuesday, August 18, 2009

mother's day celebration...

Each year my mother visits on Mother's Day...Last year, we were able to have over her mother - my Noni, but with her passing we were left to celebrate alone together...Luckily, we were able to have over my god-mother and aunt, Joan. The kids had a great day playing in the yard with Noni, Nono, and Joan, and we were able to make a visit to Noni and Nono's grave when the kids were taking a nap....
This year we made a Shutterfly book for Noni with all of the pictures from our Florida trip...I think that she really liked it!

We took some family pictures...

I took a picture with each munchkin (tyler's picture is still to come...)...

And Kelsi had a ride in the wagon...she LOVES when Noni pushes or pulls her around the yard!

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