Thursday, August 27, 2009

almost a preschooler...

Yesterday, Tyler, Kelsi and I had a day "at home". I have been so busy that I have needed to put them into Scribble Time a couple days a week...and this week we had 3 days of daycare! On our "home day", Kelsi had to be WOKEN UP at 10am (she has a UTI from her swimmy diaper they believe), so Tyler had a morning of being an "only child"....He plays so well and is so happy on his own! Just before lunch we decided to walk down to his preschool and play on the new playground. We made it a nature walk and collected pinecones, rocks and sticks...Kelsi was happy to just stay in her stroller, but Tyler was so happy to explore.
I CAN'T BELIEVE that he starts preschool in less than 2 weeks....It is so scary that he has gotten so big, so fast!! He is already learning so much at Scribble Time...He loves storytime, gym class, eating lunch with the kids, washing his hands after the bathroom trip, waiting in line and he EVEN is starting to write his name!! On the way home from this walk, I was talking to him about our street, and then he said that they learned about streets at Scribble Time...He even knew our street name! He SHOCKS me almost every time that he opens his mouth! He is always using a new phrase or saying or he is spitting out a fact that I would never thought that he would know...I already feel like a proud parent...I can't wait for pics with his backpack on the first day!!

"Can you see my eyes?" to get him to look...He thought he could through the lens!
He carried that marker all the way to the school and all the way home...nothing to write though!

Check out the shoes that he doesn't like tight...his other pair of shoes broke, but these are definitely not ideal!

This is the, "I am a preschooler" pose...It was what he came up with!

Such a thoughtful, imaginative and clever little guy! I could just kiss this picture...I love him so much!

Is this going to be a vision of what is to come on the playground? Sure hope not!! Tyler put himself in this time-out pose when I wanted to take another picture! So far, Tyler is very good at Scribble Time though!

Enjoying juice while watching a tractor remove a tree stump!

My cute Kelsi...the only happy face on our trip, but SO totally her!

Our summer vacation pics to come...I haven't even loaded them in yet!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

our first 09 beach trip...

The second that we heard it was going to be 90 degrees, Erica and I decided to hit the beach...We headed to Onset to only find 60 degree weather and FREEZING water...It was SO windy and cold....I had to raid the car for our winter coats and fleeces....Kelsi and Kallee enjoyed the chair together...

Kelsi enjoyed following the boys.....

And even with shivering bodies and runny noses, the boys couldn't resist playing in the water....

Right after this picture, we had to quickly strip, wrap in warm towels and head home with the heat on in the cars....At least we squeezed it in before the entire month of June rained!!

mother's day celebration...

Each year my mother visits on Mother's Day...Last year, we were able to have over her mother - my Noni, but with her passing we were left to celebrate alone together...Luckily, we were able to have over my god-mother and aunt, Joan. The kids had a great day playing in the yard with Noni, Nono, and Joan, and we were able to make a visit to Noni and Nono's grave when the kids were taking a nap....
This year we made a Shutterfly book for Noni with all of the pictures from our Florida trip...I think that she really liked it!

We took some family pictures...

I took a picture with each munchkin (tyler's picture is still to come...)...

And Kelsi had a ride in the wagon...she LOVES when Noni pushes or pulls her around the yard!

mother's day visit...

On Mother's Day we have created a tradition of visiting Douglas's mother's grave and planting some flowers. This year Kelsi was old enough to actually dig and help. Although they do not understand exactly who we are visiting, I hope that year after year they will begin to understand a bit more. Lately, Tyler is trying to teach Kelsi her full name, Kelsi Patricia Chick...He doesn't know where the name comes from yet, but as with the grave, I hope that in time they will...Until then, we will continue our tradition...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the big boo-boo

Just after Kelsi turned two, she got her biggest boo-boo yet. Rudy unfortunately knocked her off the back brick steps so hard that she mainly landed on her face. There was a big egg on her forehead, scratches on her cheek, and a big bloody mess under her nose. The scab looked TERRIBLE for a couple of weeks. These pictures weren't taken right away, so it was beginning to heal and fall off (now there is a pink scar left over - I am praying it disappears)....
Although I was aiming to get a couple pics of the boo-boo, Tyler is all about wanting his picture taken too...and how could I resist this face!
Don't even ask me what they were doing, or should I say what started this, but Kelsi was loving it...
and couldn't wait to do it back...
And a happy ending kiss...