I have been SWAMPED with balancing my ever-growing photography business and continuing to be a full-time mom...I had once hoped for daily or at least weekly updates to what is going on with Tyler and Kelsi, and I haven't even found the time in months...It is always in the back of my mind, but I never get to it!! I am going to do a little catch up tonight (granted it is 11:10pm and I should be heading to bed!)....
May held a lot of fun things for us....Things that are so simple, but are so enjoyable .... Washing Mama's car during a warm day (May was warmer and sunnier than June is turning out to be!)...

They did a great job and like usual, Kelsi was the messiest...in this case the wettest!! When they were told the car was clean (they could have kept going!), they headed to the front steps...For the first time, I was able to photograph something that they like to do when we return from a playdate or from errands....
They head to the front door and I run in the side door...
They start knocking and banging for me to let them in, and then I pretend that they are just getting back...I ask them where they have been and if they had fun...They get a kick out of it!
This is a common site at our house these days....Tyler and Kelsi running out to the swingset...Sometimes they purposely race, "On your mark, get set, go", and other times, they just start running...
Within 30 seconds, this is what it looks like...Tyler still running and Kelsi getting tired...she ends up walking!
Memorial Day weekend, we headed out for ice cream after dinner...We went to the Ice Cream Machine...Tyler was so dead set on his current favorite ice cream, strawberry, that he passed up dinosaur crunch ice cream...I am sure that we will try it next time!
There is so much more that I want to say about what is going on now....Like how Tyler and Kelsi are really learning to play together more...How Tyler is constantly talking to her and trying to show her the "right" way to do things, how much more Kelsi is talking (she has MANY more words than Tyler did at this age), and how much "bigger" Tyler is getting not just in size, but in what he says...I HAVE to post more often!!
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