Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i had a dream....

I have to document Tyler's obsession with his dreams...Every time he wakes up (morning & naps), he tells us whether or not he had any dreams. Most often he will say in a surprised voice, "I didn't have any dreams!", and other times he will say that he had some, but can't remember them.
Today, when I went up to get him from his nap he was standing in his bed and he said, "I have two things...I really need to go potty and I just had a really funny dream!". He then went on to tell his dream....We were in Florida splashing in the ocean and we went under the water and there was a Dora place. We got stuck in the Dora place and couldn't get out. We had to climb a fence, but we were able to get out! He was TOTALLY into every detail of his dream, excitedly reliving it! I asked him who was with him and he said, "Me and You!".
The funny thing is that we can trace his dreams back to what has occurred that day...We had just called Noni and Nono and left them a message at lunchtime, and we also pulled out the basket of Dora toys today (and he read some Dora books before nap)....
He cracks me up!

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