Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i had a dream....

I have to document Tyler's obsession with his dreams...Every time he wakes up (morning & naps), he tells us whether or not he had any dreams. Most often he will say in a surprised voice, "I didn't have any dreams!", and other times he will say that he had some, but can't remember them.
Today, when I went up to get him from his nap he was standing in his bed and he said, "I have two things...I really need to go potty and I just had a really funny dream!". He then went on to tell his dream....We were in Florida splashing in the ocean and we went under the water and there was a Dora place. We got stuck in the Dora place and couldn't get out. We had to climb a fence, but we were able to get out! He was TOTALLY into every detail of his dream, excitedly reliving it! I asked him who was with him and he said, "Me and You!".
The funny thing is that we can trace his dreams back to what has occurred that day...We had just called Noni and Nono and left them a message at lunchtime, and we also pulled out the basket of Dora toys today (and he read some Dora books before nap)....
He cracks me up!

this morning...

For the past couple of mornings, Tyler has been up at 6:30am, but Kelsi is sleeping until 8 (or even 8:30!)....The good thing is that Tyler will come into our bed and watch a couple shows...I get to have 15 minute cat naps for about an hour! Every 15 minutes a show segment ends, and he starts crying that it is over! I can't complain though!

The funniest thing happened this morning though...During a show, I had obviously fallen asleep on my back, and I was awoken with Tyler in my face. He is looking me straight in the eye and says, "Mama, you must be sleeping, you're snoring!" I thought that it was funny then, but the more I think about it the funnier it gets!

Friday, April 24, 2009

on your mark...

Although I have a bunch of photos and stories that I want to document from our trip to Florida, I am jumping to a playdate that we had the other day. I was only able to snap a couple shots, but I love them! Tyler, Lincoln, and Colby were obsessed with racing. All they wanted was a grown-up to say, "On your mark, get set, go!" and they were off (sometimes a few seconds before we even finished saying it!)....They must have gone back and forth 20 times.
Kelsi jumped in the mix too, but she always seemed to be going the opposite way than the boys whenever she decided to jump in!
I love this picture of Tyler...oh so happy...hysterical on the ground from all the racing!
Kelsi is always concerned with any dirt that sticks...she likes to show me!
Florida recap to come!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

kelsi in the city...

I am in LOVE with these pictures of kelsi...I actually had to get rid of all the crumbs all over her (Kelsi and Tyler were both snacking)....The yellow building reflected in the building is actually the museum!

Little tidbits about our Kelsi girl at 20 months...
  • OBSESSED with babies...dolls and real ones that she spots!
  • Calls for Mama, Dada, and Tyler (ta ta - sounds like dada)
  • LOVES to play chase with Tyler
  • Loves to "wa-wa" (walk) like a big kid around the stores
  • Holds your finger really tight when "wa-wa"
  • LOVES to sit on the counter and help bake and cook
  • Will NOT watch even a minute of television (eehh!)
  • LOVES ice cream (like mama and dada...haha)
  • Loves to dress-up and try on clothes, hats and shoes
  • LOVES to yell (and then Tyler says "She is hurting my ears!" - probably 20 times a day!)

Friday, April 3, 2009

our trip to the children's museum...

Last weekend (3-28-09) we headed to Boston to try the Children's Museum...we were able to get the library passes, so we got in for $2 a person...crazy discount! The garage down the street was only $10 instead of the $30 we paid for the aquarium (never do that again!)....

Ok...so it was a bit crowded, but they definitely loved it! Tyler's favorite was the climbing structure that goes from the entry lobby and lets you out on the third floor.
He also loved stearing the boat, and they both liked the water stations....
Tyler loved the big boat and pretending to steer it...Dada was so proud!
The interactive fishing game was a hit too!
Kelsi just liked to walk around and try everything for a brief second (as usual)...She likes anything that makes her like Tyler!
Our trip didn't end in the museum...I was able to snap some fantastic city shots...they will be the next post!