Monday, October 11, 2010

Santa's Village - Day Two

Our second day (and FULL day) included all of the rides again, along with some water park time!! My only regret of the trip was NOT bringing my swimsuit to the park! Last minute, we threw Douglas's suit in our bag and I am happy that we did! The kids got to do all of the big slides because he could go with them. Tyler was able to do them by himself after he got the hang of it!

They spent a few minutes on the splash pad...

They were in love with the boat race...Tyler would of course be upset if he didn't think that he won!

We even did the super fast spinning ride...everyone was dizzy when we got off.

Tyler first makes me promise that I will not spin us fast on the tea cups. THEN once we start going, he is the first to say, "Spin us again...faster, faster!"...

Tyler loved finding all of the elves to get his Elphabet card punched...He searched for every last one of them! Kelsi, on the other hand, lost interest pretty quickly!


Feeding the REAL reindeer...very cool looking!

One of the last pictures of the day....With an elf AND with the refillable cups that we used for the whole day....Slushy blue drink, slushy lemonade and slushy coke....A big hit with Tyler and Kelsi (and us too!)...

It has been a few months since our trip to Santa's Village and it is still talked about weekly! Kelsi loves to ask when we are going back again, and we love to tell her that we will when she does better in the car!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Santa's Village - End of July 2010

I am rewinding to a couple months ago to recap our first trip to Santa's Village...We left just after Kelsi's 3rd birthday and drove the 4 hours to get to Santa's Village...That is a whole story in and of itself! Kelsi isn't great in the car for longer than 30-45minutes, and sometimes that can even be pushing it....So lets just say it was a LONG drive of whining and thrashing in her seat!!
Once we arrived, we headed straight to Santa's Village to take advantage of the late entrance package...arrive after 3pm and your next day ticket is included! This post is a recap of the first day...We were able to zoom around majority of the park without any lines!
We started on the sleighs and then jumped on the tea cups...without Dada of course!
Our next stop was the bumper cars....Dada's suggestion because he can actually go on them!

I just love this picture of Tyler checking out the ferris was the first time that we all went on one!

This was...."Kiss Dada"...she smooshed her cheek at him and pushed her own face...

Ferris wheel time...I rode with Kelsi and I am not a fan of heights...I spent the whole time telling her to sit still...she kept making me nervous when she would lean forward or to the side!

Tyler was able to go on this ride by himself...he was so proud...

This was my favorite ride and the kids loved it too...We probably went on it 4 or 5 times over the 2 days! They would put their hands up in the air by day 2~

They learned to put their hands up because Douglas taught Tyler to do it on the roller coaster....Tyler LOVED the roller coaster....He went on a couple of times the first day and a couple more the second day...It was so rickety that it scared Kelsi after her first time on it, but she jumped right back on it the next day and even did it a couple times with her hands up!

This is what Kelsi was doing while we waited for Dada and Tyler to get off the coaster...

THIS is the face that Kelsi started right after her 3rd birthday and is STILL doing on a daily basis....It is definitely the "Terrible 3's" for her instead of the "Terrible 2's"....She is fiercely independent and often says, "Get away from me"....I am hoping that she starts to be a better listener soon and comes out of this "attitude phase"....

"Innocent face" Kelsi just a second later...

They loved the water game and each won a prize...

Tyler grabbed the elf's nose....

so Kelsi did too....of course!

That wrapped up the first day....We ate dinner at our hotel/motel and then all went to bed around 7:30pm...I had hoped to catch up on some sleep, but sleeping all in one room makes it tricky!! Everyone was up before dawn!!
More pictures to come from Day 2~