- Right now Tyler is 4 years and 7 months old.
- He is extremely social....says hello to everyone and starts to talk to them....He tells them whatever is on his mind and just starts rambling. He (and Kelsi) will even shout hello to people as we walk across a parking lot.
- He LOVES school. He wishes the day was longer and he wishes that he went more than 3 days.
- He needs some quiet down-time when school is over...He gets very grumpy without it!
- He is "friends" with everyone in his class. He never plays with the same kids repeatedly. He says that they are all his friends....but he does seem to talk a bit more about Grace than anyone else!
- He loves breakfast. He eats the most at breakfast and he likes it all...cereal, oatmeal, eggs, french toast, muffins, fruit, yogurt with granola and more!
- He has double ear infections again! After a doctor free winter, he complained of ear pain in April and it turned out to be double ear infections. THis last week he has had a bad cough but said that his ears didn't hurt....turned out to be double ear infections again!!! He has been crabby and now that explains it!!!
- He has a high tolerance for pain....see the last bullet point....he STILL says that his ears never hurt and the doctor is amazed!!!
- He saw his first 3D movie this month with Noni...How to Train Your Dragon and he is not collecting the little men and dragons from the movie...He has 2 dragons and just got Hiccup.
- He STILL loves dinosaurs and animals....He plays with anything to do with those the most and once in a while will integrate cars....
- He LOVES to do art projects....stickers, painting, drawing, cutting, punching, etc.
- He has a small foot...He has worn the same size 8 sneakers since September!!
- He loves Kelsi...most of the time!! THey play very well together one moment, and then are screaming at each other the next....mostly because one took something from the other....that happens constantly!!!
- He sleeps from 7ishpm-about 6isham....He has given up naps completely....Since September he has slept in the afternoon only a handful of times!
- He still has quiet time in his room....it used to last about an hour, but not he comes down after about 10-15 minutes to "give me a hug and kiss"....Then he stares at me and says, "Can I stay down now?"....a riot!!
- There are two FUNNY stories that he has done and I never wrote about....I will get them in here!! One day we were headed out to dinner to meet up with Douglas and I said, "Aren't you excited....we havent gone out to eat in a long time....we have been trying to eat healthier and we have been trying to save some money." He looked at me in the rearview mirror and with serious face said, "Then you should switch to Amica. It can save you tons of money." I almost died!!! I said where did you learn that..."On the commercial".
- The other story happened at lunch one day....He was eating ziti with a fork and he was staring at the ziti....He scoops one up with his fork, looks right at it and says, "What a beauty!" I looked at him and said, "What did you just say?", and he goes, "What a beauty. I am fishing and that is what they say when they catch on on Dada's show!"
- He watches Dinosaur Train, Penguins of Madagascar, Caillou, Animal Planet shows, Zooboomafoo and some DVD movies.
- He loves his grandparents...both sets! He loves when they come to visit!!
- He loves his Trevor...we don't see them as much right now (busy schedules), but it is still his BFF and when they see each other it is the same as it has always been....like they were together the day before!
- He likes to help...He does a great job helping Dada in the yard and he even likes to help cook/bake.
- He doesn't clearly resemble Mama or Dada...He must just be a true mix!
- He loves his Mama and Dada....I don't even think that he has favorites....He enjoys me when I am home and when Dada is home, he is happy to be with him!! Dada reads to him 99.5% of the nights because Kelsi "needs" me....When Tyler finally realizes that it has been a while since I have read to him, we switch!
- Right now, things seem to come easy to him...he transitions well from activity to activity and from place to place, he is social - so he can meet new people easily and he is doing well in school (I know it is preschool, but so far so good)....I just hope that things always continue to come easily to him!!
Love you my little handsome man!!