Thursday, May 21, 2009

goodbye naples...

Our final morning included hitting some golfballs on the driving range and on the putting green, and visiting with Uncle Troy. Both Kelsi and Tyler hit balls on the driving range, with Noni's help, and they both putted. Tyler lasted a bit longer and was really trying to get it in. Each time would take him quite a few hits, but he would stick with it!

Goodbye Nono, Noni, and Troy...See you soon!

afternoon beach trip...

These were some of my favorite photos from the whole trip! We did an afternoon beach trip and dinner picnic on the final full day (Thursday, April 9th)... Tyler loves laying down and letting the waves splash on him. I kept telling him to keep his mouth shut, but of course one big wave splashed him in the face and he swallowed a mouthful! He started running around and around trying to spit out the water. He kept saying, "Yuck, Yuck", so I told him that the ocean water is salt water. He then said the cutest thing ever....."Who put the salt in there?" I couldn't even answer because I was laughing so hard!
I think this one is my all-time favorite...I think she looks like a little super model!
I have a series of shots from them running in the these too!

Although it is not a perfect shot, I love the kiss!

One of the only shots of the two of them together this trip, and DEFINITELY the best one...thank god someone dug a huge whole on the beach!


Douglas is the one that thought about telling them to run...they love, "On your mark, get set, go!"

Pops, pops, pops....we love them!

Our final morning coming next!

Monday, May 18, 2009

naples, florida (part 2)...

Day three started with a trip to the beach...The men had gone fishing, and it was a bit chilly for swimming so I had high hopes for adorable pictures in adorable outfits...Kelsi was successful at spoiling my initial plans! I still do not know what was wrong with her, but my suspicion is that she was actually a bit scared of the beach, and the dress wasn't helping her mobility! She spent the entire time in my arms crying lightly, or on the sand crying hysterically!

A hint of what might have been with that adorable dress!

We headed to the pool once it warmed up! They are waiting so patiently to get in the water...Social butterfly Tyler, made a couple friends (all girls) and played a while in the water...

Little Kelsi got cold quick and wanted out!
Day four morning was spent back at the Kensington was in the hopes that I could stay out of the sun a bit, because my "sun-poisoning" was out of control...Tyler was a bit bumpy too (hence the hat)...

Kelsi had a bit of a moody day again...she is ALL about Mama and because Mama was taking pictures outside of the pool, she kept wanted to get out also...She did spend a bit of time with Nono and Noni though!
Tyler spends a lot of swimming time jumping in...when he has the bubble on, he jumps into someone's arms, but when he is in the yellow swimmy float he just jumps by himself (someone is nearby in case of flipping over!)....

Tyler spent a lot of time practicing swimming on his own...he couldn't stop laughing as he was starting to go was pretty funny!
Kensington pool view...

naples, florida....

Although I have already made a Shutterfly album that reviews our entire trip from day to day (both pictures and words), I wanted to be sure to include some of my favorite shots here on my blog and give a little recap! Here are the first two days...

Our first day was full of bubbles (love her curls),
swimming in the pool doing races and having squirt wars (Tyler was in so long that his toes were prunes!).
and Kelsi spent a lot of time relaxing with Noni after missing her nap!

Our second day was spent at the zoo, and then we did some more swimming in the afternoon. Kelsi had trouble going down for naps, but Tyler fell right to sleep (totally wiped out!)...

This was one of our only family pictures from the trip...none of them are fabulous, because Tyler is a little stinker right now and wants NO part of formal pictures with anyone!